Direct Marketing



The Highland cattle is not simply a fed cattle. Thanks to our extensive and species-appropriate cattle breeding, an excellent meat quality is achieved.

At the age of three, the animals finally reach their age of slaughter. Due to a slow and natural growth, the meat gets its vigorous and typical taste which is based on the fine fat marbling, which permeates the muscle meat.

The meat of the Highland cattle contains less fat and cholesterol and is therefore perfectly suitable for the dietary cuisine.

The small amount of water during the preparation, which can be noticed especially while frying, is remarkable and so the meat retains its consistency.




Mobile Slaughter Trailer

Our mobile slaughter trailer

We slaughter our cattle without any stress at a near private abattoir, which eliminates a long journey. Each animal is slaughtered individually. Then an appropriate maturation of the meat follows in our specially-made freezing and maturation trailer.

You can get our meat in mixed 5kg packages sealed in household quantities, which are labeled and evacuated for self-collectors or in special packaging for shipping.

Of course, you can contact us for Highland cattle skins and horns.

Our seals of quality guarantee the all-season free-range keeping of our animals. Furthermore you buy the meat directly from the producer – without any long transport distances and intermediary.

Thus, the freshness of our high-quality meat is protected and its origin is completely documented.

Request quality meat

We would be glad to place your reservation for the next slaughter.
Please feel free to contact us for more information about quantities, prices and reservations.